Bass Lake

Improvement Association

News & Notes


About 2 weeks ago i posted about something floating in the lake and we have a possible owner. Jim and Kathy Oakes are missing part of their equipment to get the boat lift out of the lake. They are missing 2 - 6" X 6" X 10' timbers that are connected together. If they have floated up on your shore or you've seen them please contact:

Jim Oakes



As of yesterday morning there was a large log / maybe railroad tie floating out in the middle of the lake. Use caution when boating.


Dear Bass Lake Improvement Association Member,

We hope you are having a fun and relaxing summer on beautiful Bass Lake! We are writing to let you know that your annual $20 BLIA membership payment is due. If you have already paid your 2024 dues, thank you!

Your membership dollars support important activities to:
Maintain and improve the health and safety of Bass Lake
Support the surrounding community
Provide fun activities for Bass Lake residents

This year, membership fees will be used to:
Donate money to fire and rescue departments in Mountain, Townsend and Doty
Provide a gift card to one lucky Clean Boats, Clean Waters volunteer
Purchase raffle tickets to the Oconto County Lakes Association, qualifying BLIA for a $1000 grant prize
Buy prizes for the annual Labor Day Duck Hunt
Potentially develop a management plan for recently-discovered invasive Eurasian Water Milfoil

Being a member of BLIA is a great way to learn about the important issues affecting our lake and have a say in decisions related to those issues. It is also a great way to get to know other Bass Lake residents. Encourage your neighbors to join BLIA if they are not yet members!

Please pay your $20 membership dues by August 1st, 2024. Checks can be made out to “BLIA”. Send your payment to:

Wayne Wyngaard
16400 John Ln.
Townsend, WI 54175

If you know someone who is not interested in becoming a member at this time, but would like to donate to BLIA, they are welcome to do so using the payment information above.

Thank you for your membership and we hope you have a great summer!


Amy Mager, BLIA Secretary/Treasurer

**We are always in need of volunteers for the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program. Use this link to sign up:


The annual boat parade will be held Thursday July 4th at 5:00 pm starting at the beach.
Hope to see everyone turn out with either their boats or watching from their docks.


Baby Loons!! 2 baby loons were spotted on the lake last night with their parents. Please use caution and avoid them.


Several people have noticed that there seem to be a lot of weeds in the lake. i gathered some samples from our beach and sent pictures to Derek Thorn he is the FLOW (Florence, Langlade, Oconto Waterways) specialist. Here's his reply.

"With the water levels in the area lakes being lower due to little snow over the winter, I’m not surprised that you are seeing more vegetation.

It is a little hard to tell from the photos what each plant could be. It is tough to count the number of leaflets. I can see it being a native Coontail, or Northern Watermilfoil. If it were to be an invasive species it would Eurasian watermilfoil, which is already know n to be in the lake. I have added Paul Skawinski to the email, he is the statewide Citizens Lake Monitoring Educator."

He also included the Citizen Lake Monitoring Educator for further comment.

I'm traveling this week but will follow up with him and more pictures.

For those who haven't paid their dues they can be made out to BLIA and sent to me. Our secretary isn't on the account yet so I'm filling in.

Wayne Wyngaard
16400 John Ln
Townsend Wi 54175



The newest lake water levels has been posted to the site.


The Spring Lake Association meeting was held Saturday May 25th with a lot of members present.

For the Fall meeting we're going to try to have a cookout somewhere, more info to follow.

The minutes are posted as a link please take the time to review.


Hello Everyone,

The spring meeting will be at the Doty Town Hall Saturday at 9:00 am, hope to see everyone there.

We’ll have Donuts but no coffee.


Call to Order
New Members in attendance
Treasures Report
• In account $9,229.97
• Expenses Duck Hunt
• Donations to Mountain and Doty Fire and Ambulance
• Approval of the Fall 2023 meeting minutes
Clean Boats Clean Waters Program
• Archibald Lake and most other lakes have invasive species especially Eurasian Milfoil
• Drawing at end of year for volunteers
Gypsy Moths
Facebook Group
Health of Birch Trees
Continuing to do lake monitoring
• Longest history of any lake
DNR Fyke Netting report
Should we send invoices
2024 Years activities
• July 4th Parade
• Labor Day Duck hunt
• New Ideas
o Events
o Protection of the Lake
Lucky 13 Raffle sponsored by OCLWA
• Money share back to BLIA
• Available grant from OCLAWA
Vice President Board Seat is open to Board members

Any Old business
Any New business
Thank you for attending
Call to Adjourn



Well it looks like summer is just around the corner and the warmth is finally here. The spring meeting will be at the Doty Town hall on Saturday May 25th at 9:00 am hope to see you there. The agenda will be posted next week.


Bear Sighting: Glenn Schneider reported a large bear Wednesday March 13th night trying to take down his bird feeder. He is on the North end of the lake on Calico lane. It went away when the lights were turned on but came back and hung around for a while. You might want to take your bird feeders in every night, they are expensive.


Labor Day weekend has come and gone with a lot of hot weather, family and friends.

The Fall meeting was well attended and there was great discussion.
The Elections were held and here are the results.
Amy Hager was Elected Secretary Treasurer
Bob Schermacher was elected to the Board
Russ Styczynski was elected to the Board

The Duck hunt was a Huge success with too many to count kids, we saw a lot of smiles. There are pictures posted on the web site and our Facebook page. Some members are having problems getting included in the Facebook group so Bob Elliott is looking in to it.

Sandy Styczynski reported that the Clean Boats Clean Water program was a great success with 68% coverage this year vs 34% last year and we think it's due to the sign up web site which was implemented this year. We'll probably use that from now on. Phillip Plavat was the lucky winner of the drawing from everyone that watched the boat landing.


The final Bass Lake Management Plan prepared by the DNR, County, Townships, UW Stevens Point and citizens has been loaded into the links section of the web site. it was delayed almost a year due to Covid. The plan contains detailed information and lays out a plan for future management.

In an effort to help reduce our lake shore erosion we’ve put together a list of different grants that are available to help with the cost, planning and implementation of shoreline retention.

1. Oconto County cost share program.
2. State of Wisconsin DNR Lake management program

Both of these programs start with a meeting with Ken Dolata from Oconto county, he can be reached at (920) 834-7152, Dale Wery has been in contact with them regarding these programs and they are planning a visit to Bass Lake in December. They would like to meet with all property owners on that day to do site visits and start the grant process which starts with obtaining a permit. Ken will also be able to provide a list of approved landscapers. The deadline is February for applying for these grants.
The Association is starting a list of interested owners if you’d like to be included in the grant process or get some ideas about can be done please let me know and I’ll start a list.

3. DNR Surface Water Grant

The DNR has a surface water grant program which has deadline of Feb. 1. This program has 5 simple inexpensive best practices, with grants of up to $1,000 per practice installed. I don’t know much about this program but there is an attachment that describes it. There are 2 links on the web site for this program, DNR Surface Water description, Surface Water Application process

Please let us know if you’re interested in any of these programs and we’ll assist in any way possible.


Board Members

Our current list of board members, their phone numbers & email addresses.

Wayne Wyngaard

Bob Schermacher
Board Member
(262) 334.3657

Bob Elliott
Board Member
(920) 639.0323

Steve Hamann
Board Member

Amy Mager
Secretary & Treasurer

Russ Ryczkowski
Board Member
(920) 609-4920

Gordon Brushwyler
Board Member

Todd Sabourin
Board Member


Duck Hunt 2023
Lucky Duck Hunt 2023
Lucky Duck Hunt 2023
Lucky Duck Hunt 2023
Lucky Duck Hunt 2023
Lucky Duck Hunt 2023
Swans from Bob Schermacher 8/20/2023
Otters on the lake 2014